Projects developed for commercial and residential collective pools must meet various guidelines and standards. After all, they have a much larger execution size and more specific needs for use.
Therefore, it is essential to use products that ensure that these requirements are met. Don't know what they are? Discover, in this article, 4 options that cannot be missed in pool work of a space like this!
1. Stainless steel stairs, for the safety of visitors
A stainless steel ladder is indispensable in commercial pool work and smaller pools. In the design of the place, it is essential that it has a well-defined space to be installed.
It is worth mentioning, from now on, that ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) published the standard NBR nº 10.339/2018 - Swimming pool/Design, execution and maintenance, unifying the various pool rules into one. In this discipline, there is the specification of maximum capacity supported by the ladder: 100 kg for residential ladder; and 150 kg for commercial ladder.
This item is essential for safety children, the elderly and people with greater mobility difficulties, who need support to get in and out of the pool. It is important to remember to invest in a resistant product, with a firm and non-slip handrail on the step.
2. Protection fence, to delimit access areas
In clubs, hotels and condominiums the flow of people is always very intense. For this reason, it is worth using protective fences to delimit more precisely the access areas near the pool. that same norm ABNT NBR No. 10.339/2018 guides the pool access isolation barriers. In this case, the fences must be 1,10 m high and have a closing gate and automatic locking.
Lightweight and collapsible, the product can be used to isolate areas that are still under construction. Or even to effectively separate swimming pools for adults and children. The installation of a gate is optional, and the combination of shapes and dimensions is varied, according to the project proposal.
3. FSB drain cover, to comply with regulations related to the pool work
A pool work must follow some safety rules, as you already know. One of them is the use of bottom drain cover FSB, adaptable to any type of pool structure.
The suction system must contain at least two bottom drains, if it is a small pool, at a distance of at least 1,5 m from each other, with anti-trapping grids that prevent hair tangling. It is very important to dimension the water collection in order to reach the ideal amount of drains to have the proper flow and guarantee the safety of all users.
4. Lighting accessories to ensure wide visibility on site
The opening hours of commercial swimming pools are usually quite extensive. After all, there are those who go during the day, to sunbathe and have fun, but also those who only have the night to do their physical activities.
Therefore, the pool must have a exemplary lighting. It is very important to invest in LED lamps, and especially in systems that can be programmed to work automatically. The four fix wi-fi remote has this function, so there is no need for constant surveillance by an employee to turn them on. And the pool is always well lit and safer for those who want to swim.
With these products, there is no doubt that the pool work it will be complete and safe, ideal to attend the great movement in a club. AND that the customer You will be very pleased, of course!
Want to ensure even more security for your project? Look 3 ways to adapt a pool to ABNT standards.